About Us

We didn't want to write a "safe" or "starchy" about us page that you've read somewhere else. Normally they are a self-serving mix of us-us-us, when really it's all about you, our customers and how we can best support and supply you with products fit for purpose. We do recognise appraisals are important, and this is where you will form a first impression of our company and a perspective of our capability, which we believe will become evident as you navigate around our website. Perhaps in the future we will post pictures of CEO's / Chairmen / Directors of this and that, but quite honestly we're not that sort of business. Take a look at our timeline below and you will see the company has evolved from very humble beginnings, and still retains today the family atmosphere amongst it's staff, many of whom have been with the company in excess of 20 years.

We genuinely believe we are unique in our approach to both our customers and the service we are able to offer.

We look forward to welcoming you aboard!