Butchers Labels
- Unmistakable Quality
- Reliable Service
- Over 40 years' experience
- Competitive Prices
- ISO 9000:2015 Accredited
- Wide Range of Labelling Solutions
We our proud of our history of supplying labels and stickers to the butchery industry for over 40 years. By purchasing your point of sale pricing labels and thermal scale labels from Daymark you are buying direct from the manufacturer, cutting out any middle man and providing you with the best prices. Our expert staff are familiar with all makes of price-weigh scales from Avery Berkel to CAS & Bizerba, and our team will create your design for free, or use existing artwork for a complete in-store image.
Every label we provide to the butchers trade is produced on a permanent freezer adhesive ensuring your labels remain stuck even when frozen.
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